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No elaborate images or vendor logos here!
The only partners we have (or want) are our clients.
Our role is to manage IT in the best interest of our clients.
- Thus, we remain vendor neutral -
(no Dell logos, no Sonicwall logos, no McAfee logos, no VMware logos, etc.)
How can we objectively provide the best solutions if we are tied to a limited base of solutions/vendors? You don't want that, neither do we!
You may say that by partnering with a vendor, better
support & pricing can be obtained...
- Not likely. When IT providers partner with a vendor they receive compensation for what
is sold. By the time all parties are involved, prices can be near retail and support is likely 3rd party.
- With our years of experience, we have developed a strong network of suppliers. We also know
how to effectively obtain and utilize support direct from the vendor. We get the best pricing on the
best solution, with superior support - for you, everytime.
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